Give us your videos and we'll tell your story

You have so many hours of videos and they're not of much use.  Who is ever going to sit down and watch a couple hours of unedited video footage? Probably not even your family.  Give us your hours of footage, explain the story to us, and we'll edit it into a 5 to 10 minute video that your family will enjoy watching over and over again.  After we've added music to match the different shots in your video, your friends might even be willing to watch it too.  Unsorted video clips and photos from your family vacations, graduations, weddings, your children's baby years can all be transformed into beautiful stories that preserve your memories for years to come.


Cross country trip

This family had lots of video footage from a cross-country road trip.  We put it into a fast-paced format that's fun for everyone to watch.  


Wedding & Honeymoon

This couple had unused wedding footage and film from their honeymoon road trip out west.  We edited their honeymoon video so that it told the story of their trip in a concise way.  We kept a lot of their personalities in the final edit, so that their future family could see them as a young couple, rather than just scenery.  We added wedding footage to the beginning and end, and included some of their favorite songs to accompany their journey.